Lesson series

Aug 2024: Volatility Series

 The Class focuses on Verticals, Iron Condors, Butterflies, and Calendars. The emphasis will be on how to trade and manage these strategies when Volatility increases. Dan will share plenty of tweaks and tips for trading these strategies successfully in a Volatile environment. It's quite different trading these strategies than when we are in the usual slow upward trending market we usually experience. 


August 10: Saturday 11-12:30 Eastern: Vertical Spreads and Iron Condors: Dan will address entry points, execution pointers, picking the right duration, strikes and width, and most important, Adjusting and Managing the Trades. Trading Verticals and Iron Condors as soon as VIX spikes can be hazardous unless you know what indicators to look for to enter trades.

August 16: Friday 12:30-1:30 Eastern: Butterflies: Dan will address how he winterizes his Butterfly Trades and Risk management techniques when VIX starts approaching 16 and Higher. He will address specific tweaks and changes to Butterfly width, which strikes to choose, and different Adjusting techniques.

August 30: Friday 12:30-1:30 Eastern: Calendars are much different in a High Volatility environment, especially if the Market rallies and Volatility decreases. Dan will address the differences in trading Calendars in a Low VIX environment versus a high VIX environment. Dan will give plenty of tips and ideas how he maneuvers trading Calendars in a High Volatility Environment.

Includes 3 lives classes and all slides that Dan uses. All sessions are recorded and are viewable shortly after each live class.

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